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The Mirror Maze

By Nathan Abrahams

AJA Fiction Writer


“Angela, it’s fine to step on, it’s safe!” called Nicole from across the street. Angela and Nicole are twins who live in New York City. They are both 14 years old and they are all about exploring in the city. Their best friend Skylar was with them. She is also 14 years old. The group of three girls are walking on the streets of New York, checking out all of the realistic street art. Angela was daring to walk over what looked like a brick well, but was really art. She was walking closer and closer, but she was getting more unsure about it being fake. “GO!!!” called Nicole, encouraging her once again.

Angela took a step onto the art, but fell. “HELLLLP!!!!!!” screamed Angela. Nicole and Skylar sprinted over, looking over into what looked as if a rock just hit water. “Is that some sort of portal?” Skylar asked. “Are you being serious Skylar?” Nicole giggled. “They are not real, have you been watching too many cartoons?”


Both girls that were still on the surface took a look into what Angela just fell into. “I’m going in,” Nicole courageously said, “she’s my sister.” She jumps, but landed on solid ground, right where Angela had fallen. “Let me try,” suggested Skylar. Nicole took a step back and allowed Skylar to try and save her sister. “Man!” Skylar disappointingly said, “It didn’t work for me either. I wonder what happened.” Both girls began to freak out. Nicole’s sister and Skylar’s best friend had just been lost in a potential portal, and they had no plan. “We can’t let my mother find out,” Nicole said in a worried voice. “I know,” agreed Skylar, “There is a coffee shop right there, lets go figure out a plan.”

“EWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!” Angela whispered. She landed after a five minute fall and wiped off whatever was in the water she landed in. It was slimy and had a brownish tint to it; she couldn’t see very well in the sewer-looking thing. She could see a blurry light in the distance and she began to walk towards it, hoping that it was a way out. She only took a few steps before she couldn't go any further. “Ow,” she says. She was running into something clear.


Angela can’t see much detail about the weird object. She turns around and sees another blur of light. She starts to walk towards that and runs into an object again. “What the heck,” Angela whispered. She began spinning around looking at every part of the place she was in and saw one area where there was no light. She carefully walked forward, but didn't run into anything. “That’s weird,” Angela thought.

Skylar and Nicole sat in Angela and Nicole’s shared room. “We can’t tell my parents, so we need to figure this out.” Nicole said. “I understand that Nicole, but we don’t have a way to save Angela.” Skylar complained. They looked at each other and knew what they should do. They both stood up and walked to the bookshelves. “Alright, do you think there is a book about portals?” Skylar said.


They look at book after book and don’t find anything about the situation they are in. “Ooh, here’s one!” Nicole excitingly announced. She tried to pull the book from the bookshelf, but it wouldn't budge. Skylar grabbed onto her waist and pulled. They are putting all of their force into grabbing this last book. Finally, the book moves and the girls go flying backwards. “WOAH!!!” the girls yell. The book shelves split apart and a world of fantasy lay in front of their eyes. They slowly walked in, not knowing what information might lay ahead of them. Skylar looks up and saw the unreal...


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